转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年6月3日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on June 3, 2024应国家副主席韩正邀请,巴西联邦共和国副总统杰拉尔多·阿尔克明将于6月4日至8日对中国进行正式访问。 At the invitation of Vice President Han Zheng, Vice President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Geraldo Alckmin will pay an official visit to China from June 4 to 8.应中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅邀请,委内瑞拉外长希尔将于6月4日至7日来华访问。 At the invitation of Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto will visit China from June 4 to 7.总台央视记者:上周,中方已公开表示拟不出席瑞士举办的乌克兰和平峰会。请问中方是否不支持瑞士、乌克兰举办此次会议?有人认为不参加瑞士和平峰会就是不支持和平,就是同俄罗斯站在一起反对乌克兰。请问中方对此有何评价? CCTV: The Chinese side said publicly last week that it will not attend the Summit on Peace in Ukraine organized by Switzerland. Does this mean China does not support Switzerland and Ukraine in holding this summit? Some believe that not attending the summit means not supporting peace and standing on the side of Russia in opposition to Ukraine. What is China’s comment on this?毛宁:中方认为一切有利于和平解决危机的努力都应该得到支持。我们从一开始就重视瑞士举办乌克兰和平峰会,一直同包括瑞士和乌克兰在内有关各方就此保持密切沟通。中方反复强调和会应具备“俄乌双方认可、各方平等参与、对所有和平方案进行公平讨论”这三个重要要素,中方难以参会正是因为中方认为本次会议恐怕还无法实现这三点。我想强调,中方对于召开和平会议的立场是公平、公正的,不针对任何一方,当然也不针对此次峰会。中方是否参会完全基于自身对会议的判断,相信有关各方能够理解中方立场。 Mao Ning: China believes that all efforts that are conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis should be supported. We have attached great importance to Switzerland’s organizing the Summit on Peace in Ukraine from the very beginning and have been in close communication with Switzerland, Ukraine and other relevant parties on this. China has repeatedly stressed that the international peace conference needs to meet the three important elements, namely, recognition from both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans. As far as China is concerned, the meeting does not yet seem to meet these three elements and that is exactly why China would not be able to take part in the meeting. Let me stress that China’s position on the peace conference is fair and just. Our position does not target any party and certainly not this particular summit. China’s decision on participation is purely based on our assessment of the meeting itself, and we believe relevant parties can understand our position.是否支持和平,这不应由个别国家、特定会议来判断,中方衷心希望和会不要变成制造阵营对抗的平台。不参会并不代表不支持和平,个别国家即便参会也未必真心希望停火止战,关键要看实际行动。事实证明,在劝和促谈上,中方是最坚定、最积极的。中方从未袖手旁观、从未拱火浇油、从未从中渔利,而是为了推动停火止战不懈努力,得到包括俄、乌在内的各方高度赞赏。 Whether one supports peace or not should not be judged by a particular country or on the basis of a particular meeting. China sincerely hopes that a peace conference will not turn into a platform used to create bloc confrontation. Not attending it does not mean not supporting peace. For certain countries, even if they do participate, they do not necessarily whole-heartedly want the conflict to stop. What matters is what kind of action that is being taken. What has happened shows that China has been most firmly and actively committed to promoting talks for peace. China has never sat idly by or fueled the flames, still less profiteered from the conflict. Instead, we have worked relentlessly for a ceasefire, and this has been highly commended by various parties, including Russia and Ukraine.新华社记者:发言人刚刚发布了巴西副总统阿尔克明将访华的消息,能否进一步介绍此访安排和中方期待? Xinhua News Agency: To follow up on the announcement of Brazil’s Vice President Geraldo Alckmin’s visit to China. What’s the program and China’s expectation for the visit?毛宁:巴西副总统杰拉尔多·阿尔克明对中国进行正式访问期间,韩正副主席将同其会谈,并共同主持召开中国—巴西高层协调与合作委员会第七次会议。 Mao Ning: During the official visit of Brazil’s Vice President Geraldo Alckmin to China, Vice President Han Zheng will have talks with him, and the two vice presidents will co-chair the 7th meeting of the China-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee.中国和巴西同为发展中大国和重要新兴市场国家,互为全面战略伙伴。今年是中巴建交50周年,也是中巴高委会成立20周年。中方期待通过阿尔克明副总统此次访问,进一步巩固双方政治互信,加强战略沟通,深化各领域务实合作,推动中巴全面战略伙伴关系持续深化发展。 China and Brazil are both major developing countries and important emerging markets, and are each other’s comprehensive strategic partners. This year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Brazil diplomatic ties and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee. China hopes that this visit will help further consolidate political mutual trust, strengthen strategic communication, and deepen practical cooperation in various fields between the two sides for the sustained growth of our bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership. 《北京青年报》记者:中方发布了委内瑞拉外长希尔将访华的消息,发言人能否介绍此访安排?中方如何看待当前中委关系? Beijing Youth Daily: A question on Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto’s visit to China. What’s the program of the visit and how does China view its current relations with Venezuela?毛宁:中国和委内瑞拉是全天候战略伙伴。去年9月,委内瑞拉总统马杜罗成功对华进行国事访问。在习近平主席和马杜罗总统战略引领下,双边关系发展进入新的历史时期。今年是中委建交50周年。中方欢迎希尔外长访华并出席两国建交50周年庆祝活动,期待通过此访,继续推进落实两国元首达成的重要共识,赓续中委传统友谊,为两国全天候战略伙伴关系不断注入新动力。 Mao Ning: China and Venezuela are all-weather strategic partners. Last September, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro paid a successful state visit to China. Under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Nicolás Maduro, bilateral relations have entered a new historical period. This year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Venezuela diplomatic ties. We welcome Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto to visit China and attend the events celebrating that anniversary. We hope and believe the visit will be a good opportunity to continue to implement the important common understandings reached between the two presidents, carry forward our traditional friendship and provide sustained driving force for our all-weather strategic partnership.荷兰广播电视协会记者:上周,一艘荷兰海军舰船过航南海,而后又过航台湾海峡,作为在该地区更大规模航行自由演习的一部分。中方是否掌握有关情况?中方海军舰船是否对该船进行了跟监?中方如何看待上述过航行动? NOS: Last week, a Dutch marine ship passed through first the South China Sea then the Taiwan Strait as part of a bigger freedom of navigation exercise in the region. Is China aware of this transit through the Taiwan Strait? Have Chinese marine vessels for instance also monitored the ship? How does China view this passing?毛宁:具体情况建议你向中方主管部门了解。我想指出的是,中方一贯尊重各国依据国际法享有的航行权利,但坚决反对以航行自由为名危害中国主权和安全。亚太地区是和平发展的高地,希望域外国家多做有利于维护地区和平稳定的事,不要挑衅滋事,不要给地区和平稳定制造麻烦。 Mao Ning: I’d refer you to competent authorities for the specifics. Let me say that China respects countries’ right to navigation in accordance with international law, but firmly opposes undermining China’s sovereignty and security in the name of freedom of navigation. The Asia-Pacific is a shining example of peace and development. We hope countries outside the region will do things that are conducive to regional peace and stability, instead of making provocations and stirring up trouble for the peace and stability in the region.中新社记者:近日,美国国务院发言人就香港法院依法判决“串谋颠覆国家政权罪案”部分涉案人员发表声明,宣布对中央政府和香港特区政府官员实施新的签证限制。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: The US State Department Spokesperson announced new visa restrictions on officials of the Central Government and the Hong Kong SAR government in a statement released last week on the verdict issued by the Hong Kong court on some of those involved in the case of conspiring to commit subversion. What’s China’s comment?毛宁:美方蓄意攻击“一国两制”,抹黑香港国安法,妄议香港民主自由状况,干预香港特区司法,滥施签证限制。有关行径公然干涉中国内政,违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,中方强烈不满、坚决反对。 Mao Ning: The US has deliberately attacked the principle of One Country, Two Systems, smeared the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR, irresponsibly commented on democracy and freedoms in Hong Kong, sought to meddle with Hong Kong SAR’s judicial matters and abused visa restrictions. Such moves blatantly interfere in China’s internal affairs, and violate international law and basic norms governing international relations. China strongly deplores and opposes it.必须指出,涉案反中乱港分子的所谓“初选”严重挑战香港特区宪制秩序,严重危害国家安全,该案其他31名被告早已认罪。香港特区执法和司法机关依法履职、惩治各类危害国家安全的行为,合理合法。中央政府对此坚定支持。 Let me be clear, the so-called “primary election” organized by those involved in the case who are anti-China and sought to destabilize Hong Kong amounts to a serious challenge to the constitutional order in Hong Kong and endangers national security. Among the defendants involved in the case, 31 have already pleaded guilty. It is reasonable and lawful for the law enforcement and judicial authorities in the Hong Kong SAR to carry out their duties in accordance with the law and punish all acts that undermine national security. The central government firmly supports this.我要强调,香港事务纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干预。我们敦促美方切实尊重中国主权和香港法治,恪守国际法和国际关系基本准则,不得以任何方式插手干涉香港事务。如果美方对中央政府和香港特区政府官员实施签证限制,中方将坚决反制。 I would like to stress that Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s domestic affair that brooks no external interference. We urge the US to earnestly respect China’s sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, and abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations. The US should not in any way meddle with Hong Kong affairs. If the US implements the visa restrictions on officials of the Central Government and the Hong Kong SAR government, China will take firm countermeasures. 英国广播公司记者:中方公开宣布破获一起英国秘密情报局(MI6)间谍案,发言人能否介绍此案的更多情况,包括涉案人员身份、工作单位以及MI6为何要利用他们从事间谍活动?中国政府会否采取相关反制措施? BBC: Can you tell us anything more about this case of the alleged courting of spies in Britain by the UK’s intelligence service MI6? There was a public announcement about this. Do you know anything about the case? Who the people are? Who they work for? Why MI6 might want to use these people as spies? Are we going to see any sort of response from the Chinese government in terms of retribution or something like that?毛宁:中方有关部门已经详细发布了信息,我没有可以补充的信息。 Mao Ning: Relevant authorities have released detailed information on the case you mentioned. I have nothing to add.东方卫视记者:6月2日,美日韩在新加坡举行三边防长会并发表联合声明,点名指责中国,强烈反对单方面改变印太海域现状的任何企图,重申台海和平稳定重要性,呼吁和平解决两岸问题,反对在南海非法海洋声索,强调尊重国际法包括航行和飞越自由的重要性。5月31日在华盛顿举行的美日韩三边副外长对话发表的联合声明也有类似涉华消极内容。美副国务卿坎贝尔还表示希望中方对朝发挥影响力,促朝停止挑衅行动并同美日韩对话。请问中方有何评论? Dragon TV: On June 2, defense ministers of the US, Japan and the ROK held a trilateral meeting in Singapore and issued a joint press statement, in which they blamed China, saying “they strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the waters of the Indo-Pacific,” “emphasized the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” “called for the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues,” opposed “unlawful maritime claims” in the South China Sea, and stressed the importance of fully respecting international law including the freedom of navigation and overflight.” The media note of the US-Japan-ROK Trilateral Vice Foreign Minister-Level Dialogue held in Washington on May 31 contains similar negative content on China. US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell claimed that they asked for China to weigh in on Pyongyang to ask them to refrain from the provocative actions and to accept the offers of dialogue that the US, Japan and the ROK have put on the table. What is China’s comment on this?毛宁:我们注意到你提到的有关情况。美日韩借三边防长会和副外长对话推进所谓“印太战略”,在台湾问题上说三道四、粗暴干涉中国内政,在涉海问题上再次对中国进行恶意攻击抹黑,蓄意挑拨中国与周边国家关系,严重违背国际关系基本准则,中方表示强烈不满和坚决反对。 Mao Ning: We noted this. The US, Japan and the ROK used their trilateral defense ministers’ meeting and trilateral vice foreign minister-level dialogue to advance the so-called “Indo-Pacific Strategy,” point fingers on the Taiwan question, grossly interfere in China’s internal affairs, once again deliberately attack and vilify China on maritime issues and sow discord between China and neighboring countries. Such moves seriously violate basic norms governing international relations. China strongly deplores and opposes this. 第一,中方坚决反对操弄集团政治,坚决反对任何挑起和激化矛盾、损害他国战略安全和利益的言行,坚决反对在亚太地区搞封闭排他的“小圈子”。美方应当把“不寻求强化同盟关系反对中国”的表态落到实处,不要以牺牲他国战略安全利益和亚太人民福祉为代价谋求私利。 First, China firmly opposes the practice of bloc politics, anything said or done to instigate or intensify tensions and undermine other countries’ strategic security and interests, and the attempt to form exclusive groupings in the Asia-Pacific. The US needs to act on its word that the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China and stop seeking selfish gains at the expense of other countries’ strategic security and the wellbeing of the people in the Asia-Pacific.第二,一个中国原则是国际社会的普遍共识和国际关系基本准则,台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉。当前台海和平的最大威胁是“台独”分裂行径和外部势力纵容支持。有关国家如果真的关心台海和平稳定、真的在乎国际安全繁荣,就应该恪守一个中国原则、旗帜鲜明反对“台独”分裂,支持中国国家统一。 Second, the one-China principle is a universal consensus of the international community and basic norm in international relations. The Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair that brooks no external interference. The biggest threat to cross-Strait peace now is the separatist activities of “Taiwan independence” forces and external connivance and support for them. If relevant countries truly care about cross-Strait peace and stability and want the world to be safe and prosperous, they should uphold the one-China principle, unequivocally oppose “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, and support China’s reunification.第三,中方坚定不移维护自身领土主权和海洋权益,坚持同直接当事国通过对话协商妥处双边涉海问题,同时坚决反对域外国家插手介入、升级事态。美国近年一再怂恿、支持个别国家在海上搞对华挑衅侵权,还纠集盟友在包括南海在内的中国周边海域频繁开展军事演习和抵近侦察,耀武扬威,加剧地区紧张,已经成为地区和平稳定的最大威胁和挑战。 Third, China will always defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. We are committed to properly settling bilateral maritime issues with countries directly concerned through dialogue and consultation. That said, we firmly oppose countries outside the region meddling with and escalating the situation. In recent years, the US has been inciting and supporting certain countries in provoking China and infringing on China’s sovereignty and maritime rights at sea, and frequently conducted joint military exercises and close-in reconnaissance with its allies in waters close to China, including the South China Sea, to flex muscles and intensify tensions in the region. This has become the biggest threat and challenge to regional peace and stability.第四,中方在朝鲜半岛问题上的基本立场是一贯的。我们始终认为维护半岛和平稳定、推动半岛问题政治解决符合各方共同利益。军事威慑和制裁施压只会激化矛盾、加剧紧张。我们敦促有关方谨言慎行,不要给本已复杂严峻的半岛形势火上浇油。中方会继续基于事情本身的是非曲直和自身立场应对处理半岛事务。 Fourth, China’s basic position on the Korean Peninsula issue is consistent. We believe that ensuring peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and advancing the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue serves the common interests of all parties. Resorting to military deterrence and imposing sanctions and pressure will only intensify differences and heighten tensions. We urge relevant parties to be prudent in words and deeds and refrain from fueling the tension in the Korean Peninsula which is already highly complex and challenging. We will continue to handle Korean Peninsula affairs based on their merits and our own position.深圳卫视记者:昨天,嫦娥六号在月球背面南极-艾特肯盆地成功着陆的消息引发国际社会广泛关注。欧空局局长阿施巴赫表示,嫦娥六号成功着陆是了不起的成就,欧空局很感激也很自豪能够参与其中。发言人对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: Yesterday, China’s Chang’e-6 touched down in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon, which has received international attention. Head of the European Space Agency Josef Aschbacher commented that it’s a wonderful accomplishment that ESA is thankful and proud to have a part in. What’s your comment? 毛宁:自5月3日发射入轨以来,嫦娥六号经历了约30天的奔月之旅,6月2日成功着陆在月球背面预选着陆区。嫦娥六号采集月壤样品和月表岩石,同时开展科学探测任务,获取了很多珍贵影像和数据。嫦娥六号还搭载了欧洲空间局、法国、意大利、巴基斯坦的国际载荷,一同进行科学探测。这是中国外空探索的历史性一步,也是人类和平利用外空的历史性一步。 Mao Ning: On June 2, about one month after its launch on May 3, Chang’e-6 successfully landed at the designated landing area on the far side of the moon. It is there to collect lunar soil and rock samples, and conduct scientific exploration, and has gained valuable video footage and data. The mission also carries international payloads from the European Space Agency, France, Italy, and Pakistan for joint scientific exploration. This is a historic step in China’s space exploration and, more importantly, a step of the peaceful use of space in human history.了解和探索宇宙是全人类的共同梦想,和平利用外空将促进全人类的共同福祉。我们愿在平等互利、和平利用、包容发展的基础上,深入开展航天国际交流合作,同各国分享发展成果,共同探寻宇宙奥秘。让我们一同期待,嫦娥六号探测器带着“蟾宫宝藏”平安回家! Understanding and exploring the universe is humanity’s shared aspiration and the peaceful use of space will improve the well-being of all. We stand ready to deepen international space exchanges and cooperation, share development fruits with other countries, and unravel the mysteries of the universe on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, peaceful use and inclusive development. We look forward to the safe return of the Chang’e-6 probe with its collection from the lunar trove.彭博社记者:乌克兰总统泽连斯基日前在新加坡表示,俄罗斯正竭尽所能地利用中国外交官及中国的影响力,破坏即将举办的乌克兰和平峰会。发言人如何看待上述言论? Bloomberg: I just want to follow up on the question on Ukraine. President Zelenskyy when he was in Singapore said that Russia is doing everything it can to disrupt the upcoming peace conference by using Chinese influence and Chinese diplomats. What is your view on these comments?毛宁:刚刚我已经介绍了中方对于瑞士举办首届乌克兰和平峰会的立场。我们从一开始就很重视瑞士举办这次峰会,一直同包括瑞士和乌克兰在内的有关各方保持着密切沟通,我注意到瑞士外交部5月31日公开对此表示赞赏。我想说的是,中方的立场是公开透明的,也是公平公正的,相信能够得到各方的理解和支持。 Mao Ning: Just now I shared China’s position on Switzerland’s hosting the first Summit on Peace in Ukraine. We have attached great importance to the meeting from the very beginning and have been in close communication with Switzerland, Ukraine and other relevant parties on this. I noted that the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland acknowledged this publicly on May 31. I want to say that China’s position is open, transparent, fair and just. We believe relevant parties can understand and support our position.乌克兰危机全面升级以来,中国和乌克兰一直保持沟通合作,中国仍然是乌克兰最大贸易伙伴国,中国驻乌使馆始终正常工作。中方重视中乌战略伙伴关系。 Since the full escalation of the Ukraine crisis, China has maintained communication and cooperation with Ukraine. China is still Ukraine’s largest trading partner. Our Embassy in Ukraine continues to function normally. China values its strategic partnership with Ukraine.《北京日报》记者:5月29日,秘鲁国会以108票赞成,0票反对通过决议,宣布将每年2月1日设为“秘中友谊日”。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: The Congress of Peru adopted a decision with 108 votes in favor and zero against on May 29, announcing that it will designate February 1 of every year as the “Peru-China Fraternity Day.” What is China’s comment?毛宁:中国和秘鲁是真诚互信的好朋友、共同发展的好伙伴。秘鲁国会几乎全票通过决议,将每年的2月1日设为“秘中友谊日”,这充分体现了秘方对中秘关系的重视,充分表明中国和秘鲁的友好深入人心,充分展现了中秘关系进一步发展具有坚实的民意基础,潜力巨大,前景光明。中方愿意同秘鲁方面共同努力,推动两国全面战略伙伴关系结出更多果实,更好造福两国人民。 Mao Ning: China and Peru are good friends who treat each other with sincerity and mutual trust and good partners seeking common development. The Congress of Peru has voted almost unanimously in favor to designate February 1 of every year as the “Peru-China Fraternity Day.” This fully shows that Peru values its relations with China, that the friendship between China and Peru is deep-rooted in the people, and that the China-Peru relations enjoy a solid public foundation and have enormous potential and promising prospect for further growth. China stands ready to work with Peru for more outcomes of the comprehensive strategic partnership and more benefit to the two peoples.土耳其阿纳多卢通讯社记者:乌克兰总统泽连斯基暗示中国外交官通过向其他国家施压,试图劝说他们不要参加乌克兰和平峰会。请问这种说法是否属实? Anadolu Agency: Mr. Zelenskyy implied that Chinese diplomats were pressuring the third countries and trying to dissuade them from participating in the summit. Is that true?毛宁:关于和会,中方的立场是公平公正的,不针对任何一方,当然也不针对瑞士举办的这次和平峰会。霸权主义和强权政治不是中国的外交风格,完全不存在中方向其他国家施压的情况。 Mao Ning: China’s position on the peace conference is fair and just. Our position does not target any party and certainly not this particular summit organized by Switzerland. Hegemonism and power politics are not China’s diplomatic style. There is no such thing as China pressuring other countries.半岛电视台记者:据伊朗媒体报道,伊朗外交部召见中国驻伊朗大使,抗议中国和阿联酋就伊朗和阿联酋之间有争议岛屿发表的声明。外交部对此有何评论? Al Jazeera: According to Iranian media reports, Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Chinese Ambassador to Iran to protest against the joint statement issued by China and the UAE regarding the disputed islands between Iran and the UAE. What’s your comment?毛宁:中方对“三岛”问题的立场是一贯的,我们呼吁当事方通过对话协商,以和平方式化解分歧。中国和阿联酋联合声明有关内容,同中方的这一立场是一致的。中国和伊朗关系牢固,中方重视发展中伊全面战略伙伴关系。 Mao Ning: China’s position on the issue of the three islands is consistent. We call on parties concerned to resolve differences in a peaceful way through dialogue and consultation. The joint statement between China and the UAE is consistent with China’s position on this issue. China-Iran relations are solid. We value our comprehensive strategic partnership with Iran.彭博社记者:上月14日,另一位外交部发言人表示,所有关于中国开展间谍活动的指控都是无中生有、恶意诋毁、不可接受。今天,中国国家安全部发布了有关侦查发现两名为英国从事间谍活动人员的消息。中方的立场是否是中国从未对英国开展过间谍活动,但现在指责英国对华开展间谍活动? Bloomberg: On May 14, your colleague said that all accusations of spying by China are groundless and unacceptable vilification. Today, the Ministry of State Security obviously posted about two people that have been found spying for the British. So to confirm your position: the Chinese government has never spied on the UK but the Chinese government is now accusing the UK of spying on China. Is that correct?毛宁:我们反对的是炒作所谓“中国间谍”活动、抹黑中国形象。你提到的这个案件,中方有关部门已经发布了信息。 Mao Ning: We oppose hyping up the so-called “China spying” to smear China. On the case that you mentioned, China’s competent authorities have released information.记者追问:你的意思是英国5月公布的“中国间谍案”毫无根据,但中方发布的有关案件是有确凿根据的?你是否确认中国从未对英国开展过任何间谍活动? Bloomberg: To follow up, so you are saying that the British case announced in May is groundless, but there are grounds for this case. Is that your statement or there has never been any spying? Can you confirm that there has never been any spying by China on the UK?毛宁:关于5月份的这起案件,我的同事已经介绍了有关立场。事实非常清楚,英方逮捕并起诉有关中国公民,完全是在炒作所谓“中国间谍”议题,对中国进行恶意诋毁,对在英中国公民进行任意抓捕和起诉。今天你提到中方有关部门公布的这起案件,我不了解具体情况,但我可以告诉你的是,中国是法治国家,我们公布有关案件,一定是有事实依据的。 Mao Ning: My colleague shared China’s position on the case you mentioned in May. What happened is very clear. The UK’s arbitrary arrest of and charge against relevant Chinese citizens is a pure hype of the so-called “China spying” and vilification of China. On the case that relevant Chinese authorities unveiled today, I do not have details to add. But let me stress that China is a country under the rule of law. Any officially released information is supported by facts.彭博社记者:这个周末,中国一名社交媒体网红发布一段其在日本靖国神社门口的不雅视频。外交部对于中国公民在海外应该有怎样的举止持何立场? Bloomberg: There was a Chinese influencer on a Chinese social media platform who posted over the weekend an indecent video of himself at the gate of Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. What is the position of the Foreign Ministry on how Chinese citizens should act when they are overseas?毛宁:我注意到有关报道。我要强调的是,靖国神社是日本军国主义对外发动侵略战争的精神工具和象征,日方应切实正视并反省侵略历史,信守承诺,以实际行动取信于亚洲邻国和国际社会。同时,我也要再次提醒在外国的中国公民遵守当地法律法规,理性表达诉求。 Mao Ning: I noted the report. Let me stress that the Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool and symbol of Japanese militarists’ war of aggression against other countries. Japan needs to earnestly honor its word on facing squarely and reflecting on the history of aggression, and earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the world through concrete actions. That said, I would like to again remind Chinese nationals overseas to observe local laws and regulations and express their grievance and sentiments in a rational way.法新社记者:据《金融时报》报道,中方在中俄“西伯利亚力量2号”天然气管道项目的供应价格和量上提出了不合理诉求。请问中俄关于该协议的谈判是否如报道所言遇阻? AFP: According to the Financial Times, Beijing has unreasonable demands on price and supply levels about a Russia-China gas pipeline called Power of Siberia 2. Is the deal between Beijing and Moscow stuck as the report suggests?毛宁:寻找两国利益汇合点,深化利益交融,实现彼此成就是中俄两国元首的共识。我们愿同俄方一道,落实好两国元首达成的重要共识,不断深化两国全方位互利合作。 Mao Ning: The presidents of China and Russia agreed to look for areas where our interests converge, deepen the integration of interests, and enable each other’s success. We stand ready to work with Russia to deliver on important common understandings reached between our two leaders and deepen our all-round cooperation of mutual benefit.半岛电视台记者:据中国外交部消息,土耳其外长今天抵达中国进行为期三天的访问。请问他将与中方讨论哪些问题?会谈是否会涉及加沙地带战争、乌克兰战争等国际热点问题? Al Jazeera: According to China’s Foreign Ministry, Türkiye’s Foreign Minister arrived in China today for a three-day visit. What are on the agenda of his talks with the Chinese side? Will they talk about the war in Gaza, the Ukraine war and other international hotspot issues?毛宁:相信双方将就共同关心的问题交换意见。具体情况我们会及时发布信息,请你保持关注。 Mao Ning: The two sides will exchange views on issues of mutual concern. China will release timely details about the visit. Please stay tuned.路透社记者:据报道,乌克兰总统泽连斯基周末在香格里拉对话会上表示,俄罗斯的武器装备中有一些元素来自中国。中方对此有何回应? Reuters: This is regarding what Ukraine President Zelenskyy said at the Shangri-La Dialogue over the weekend as well. According to reports, President Zelenskyy said that there are elements that are part of Russia’s weaponry that come from China. How does China respond to these remarks?毛宁:中国不是乌克兰危机的制造者和当事方,我们一直致力于劝和促谈。中国不向交战方提供武器,严格管控两用物项,得到国际社会广泛认可。中俄之间的正常贸易光明正大,符合世贸规则和市场原则,不针对第三方。 Mao Ning: China is not a creator of or a party to the Ukraine crisis. We are committed to promoting talks for peace. China does not provide weapons to the parties to the conflict and strictly controls the export of dual-use articles, which is widely applauded by the international community. Our normal trade with Russia is done aboveboard. It’s consistent with WTO rules and market principles, and does not target any third party. 我注意到有数据显示,俄罗斯进口的武器零部件和两用物品超过60%来自美国等西方国家。泽连斯基总统本人在发言中也提到了这一点。 I noted that there are statistics which show that over 60 percent of Russia’s imports of weapon components and dual-use articles come from the US and other Western countries. President Zelenskyy himself also mentioned this in his remarks.